Saturday, March 3, 2012

According to Limbaugh

Can't afford your birth control?  If so, you must be a slut.  Yup that is what Mr. Limbaugh is stating, because if you weren't having so much sex, then you could afford it, WHAT A F****** IDIOT!!!  Seriously?! Can someone really be that STUPID??!! Kudos to Sandra Fluke for standing up for the rights of women, and shame on you Mr. Limbaugh for being the type of person you are, how proud are your parents of you?!  For those of  you who don't know what I am ranting about, here is a link. The man is absolutely insane and a menace to society.  Here's a thought Rush Limbaugh, why don't you educate your self on how birth control works and the many alternative uses of the birth control pill, not to mention the many women who won't have access to birth control because they cant afford it, having babies they cant afford to support, that will most likely need the support of the government.....

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and consciencious stupidity." 
-Martin Luther King, Jr.